5 Small Steps To Change Your Life

We often think that changing our lives, health, career etc… is an overnight act of wonder. But the truth is, a series of consistent actionable steps, is how you can change anything you wish to change. 

So if living a happier and healthier life is on your radar, these steps are a great place to start:

1- Say “NO” more often:
I know saying no is hard, we tend to say "yes," more often, rather than being realistic about our time commitments. This typically leads to burnout, resentment and frustration. Appreciating your need for some "me time" is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. And sometimes, you have to sacrifice the part of you that wants to please others. Remember, when you’re stretching yourself thin you’re not helping anyone.

2- Walk 30 min everyday:
The health benefits of walking are endless, and experts agree by adding walking to your daily routine, you can greatly improve your physical and mental health. From improving your mood to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing chronic disease, making 30 min walk a daily habit, is one of most important life changing habits you can create.

3- Cook 4-5 time a week:
It’s no secret how much I love cooking!
I don’t know about you, but for me cooking is definitely the activity that helps me get rid of the tension or the daily stress, it’s like meditation.
When you cook, you need to get your hands dirty, you do something more physical and very creative, which really helps you to break up the routine of your day and release your mental exhaustion. In fact, this goes beyond your stress issue. Studies have shown that cooking can really be a therapeutic activity. The reason is simple: when you cook, you stimulate your senses. The feel of the new flour you bought at the market, the smell of those fresh strawberries, the sound of the whisk beating, all those things can stimulate your senses, which contributes to getting more endorphins, the feel good hormones that put a smile on your face.
Not to mention that you’re totally aware of what goes in your food and therefore in your body.

4- Check your bank account regularly:

Depending on your lifestyle and needs, as well as your personal privilege, it’s not always simple to focus on financial wellness.
Financial wellness can involve a lot of stuff (like prioritizing your spending on experiences that bring you joy or investing or saving) that’s difficult for many people who don’t have the freedom to choose how to spend and save. If you do have that freedom, though, it’s worth diving in deeper to see what you can do to alleviate financial stress. That might involve adjusting your lifestyle choices, dedicating time to making and maintaining a budget, or talking to a professional.
Whether or not you can take those steps, remember that financial awareness is a huge and helpful start for creating a better relationship with money.
“Financial wellness isn’t just numbers on a page and white-knuckled discipline,” says Clayman. “It’s about respecting how we use money to take care of ourselves, letting go of judgment, and embracing awareness and conscious decision-making.”

5- Wake up 30 min earlier:

Waking up early may seem difficult, especially for night owls, but it has great benefits, including improving sleep quality, mental health, productivity and reduces your stress level significantly. 

Instead of trying to figure out where your keys are or leaving home hungry, those 30 extra minutes can eliminate the feeling of being rushed. As a result this allows you to start your day on an optimistic and positive note.

Which step is the hardest for you? As always take the pressure off and take one step at the time and over time stack these habits and watch your life transform.

If you wish to receive some support, or have questions, feel free to click HERE and book your complimentary consult session with me.I can’t wait to support you in your journey! 

Much love,


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