5 Reasons Why You Need A Seasonal Reset!

Have you been feeling sluggish lately? Brain fog? Imbalanced digestion? Skin issues?

You probably need a reset and the start of a new season is the perfect time to take stock of your wellness goals and refresh the systems in your body.
One of my core beliefs is that food is medicine. A seasonal whole foods reset is like a deep cleaning for your body, helping you adapt to seasonal changes.
Here are our top 5 reasons to reset with a seasonal reset:


Your body detoxifies all the time. But unprecedented levels of toxins in our food, water, air, and environment are overloading your natural detoxification systems. A seasonal organic plant-based cleanse fights against toxin accumulation and helps support your liver, kidneys, and digestion to do their important cleanup work.


The microbiome is the trillions of bacteria that inhabit your body, mainly in your gut. These bacteria are so important to your health, affecting everything from your digestion to your hormones to your mood. By eating clean and doing seasonal resets with a focus on added probiotics and prebiotics, you’ll kill the bad bugs in your gut, feed the good ones, and improve your overall wellbeing.


Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. When you eat to cleanse, you remove the foods that trigger inflammation, such as gluten, dairy, sugar, corn, animal products, and genetically modified organisms, therefore reducing and eventually eliminating chronic inflammation in your body, allowing your cells to communicate with ease and your systems to thrive.


Eating beautifying foods such as leafy greens and seasonal vegetables to flood your body with antioxidants, hydrate, slow down aging, and look like you just stepped out of the spa. When your body spends less time digesting processed foods, it can put more energy into enhancing your natural beauty, giving you glossy hair and glowing skin.


By now it should be pretty clear that eating fresh plant based whole food is good for your physical body. One other crucial benefit of a reset  is the opportunity to release emotional stress. Your feelings are stored in our body, and just like physical toxins, you need to release toxic feelings. Food can be very powerful in healing both your body and your spirit, and to help your body let go of any stored emotions you may be hanging onto.

I do a reset/ cleanse, once every season and every time I feel the immense impact and shift on my physical and mental health.
I’m doing my next reset this October, if you want to do it with me or learn how to take on your own way of doing a seasonal cleanse, email me: info@noushasalimi.com and let’s chat.

Much love,


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